ICES Gh. Zane

Iasi, T.Codrescu Street, No 2


Irina Frasin


Tara Letcani 036

Project Launching: Ethics and the Non-human World. Ethical Fundamentals for Rethinking the Human-Nature Relation.

The Romanian Academy, Iași Branch announces the launching of the project Ethics and the Non-Human World. Ethical Fundamentals for Rethinking the Human-Animal World, financed by Fundația Patrimoniu (Patrimony Foundation) of the Romanian Academy within GAR-UM-2019. 

The implementing team of the project is as follows: Irina Frasin (project manager), George Bodi, Codrin Dinu Vasiliu, Ionuţ Bârliba, and Liviu Măgurianu. The project is run with “Gh. Zane” Institute of economic and Social Research of the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch.

The project objective lies in expanding the current available knowledge in Romania on a n essential subject for the philosophical reflection, namely the human relationship with the non-human animals and nature overall.

The project is run between October 2019 and September 2021, and aims at investigating the consequences and impact of the way we, humans, understand the world mirrored by our relationships with natural environment and non-human animals, and also highlight the role played by rethinking our relationships with the other animals in understanding and redefining our own humanity.