2021. Fourth Edition. Animal Life and Human Culture
Time zone in Romania in November (GMT+2)
5th of November
9:30 Official Opening
10:00 – 12:00 Section 1
Chair: Irina Frasin
Eva Meijer – The role of language in multispecies politics: Toward a theory of political animal voices
Paride Bollettin – Becoming primates: Ethnographic notes on the production of human and other-than-human multispecies collectives
Michelle Szydlowski – Commodification at a Crossroads: The Elephants of Nepal
Abu Bakar Siddiq – Dualism in your mind: Shepherd-animal complex relationships in southeastern Anatolia
12:00 – 12:15 Coffee break
12:15 – 14:00 Section 2
Chair: George Bodi
Marco Adda – Anthrozooalgia, the Anthropause, and the Way to the Symbiocene
Jeff Sebo, Laurie Sellars – Animals, pandemics, and climate change
Andrei Mihalca – Wildlife of Africa – Game over?
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch break
15:00 – 17:00 Section 3
Chair: Aurora Hrițuleac
Anna L. Arnaudova-Otouzbirova – Classroom Pets in Primary School Education: Benefits and Welfare Concerns
Ani Dimova Zlateva, Katya Bozhidarova Tineva-Gyurkovska – Basic Approaches of Stylization in the Images of Animal Figures in the Drawings of Preschool Children
Ionuț Bârliba – Pets as extension of our social self
Codrin Dinu Vasiliu – Biophotography in the Representations of Human-Animal Relationship
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee break
17:15 – 19:00 Section 4
Chair: Luminița Ailincăi
Alina Rusu, Dorin Dumitran – When humans and their pets are found dead at the crime scene: Interdisciplinary reflections and analysis of cases
Aurora Hrițuleac – The Dark Side of Child – Animal Interactions. Child Abuse and Animal Abuse
Cătălina Daniela Răducu – Shared Objectification: On Women and Other Female Flesh
Oana-Raluca Rusu, Gheorghiță Vlad, Gașpar Corneliu, Răzvan-Nicolae Mălăncuș, Luminița-Iuliana Ailincăi – Animal Welfare – Stress in Animals Intended for Human Consumption and the Influence on Organoleptic Modification of Meat After Slaughter
6th of November
10:00 – 11:30 Section 5
Chair: Marco Adda
Tiamat Warda – Emotions at Work: The Role of Emotional Labour During a Guide Dog’s Education
Luminița-Iuliana Ailincăi, Mathilde Baille, Corneliu Gașpar – Akita Inu and the wolves – comparative behavioral review
Liviu Măgurianu, Daniel Măgurianu – The world without senses in humans and animals
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 – 14:00 Section 6
Chair: Alina Simona Rusu
Kristine Hill – Feral and out of control: A moral panic over domestic cats?
Luminița-Iuliana Ailincăi, Aglaé Marguerettaz, Oana-Raluca Rusu, Gașpar Corneliu – The social behavior of indoor cats – An anthrozoological approach
Irina Frasin – Women and Cats: Cultural History of a Relationship
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 – 17:00 Section 7
Chair: Ionuț Bârliba
Jessica Ullrich – The Future of Art after the Animal Turn
Martin Ullrich – A Critical Review of Music for Animals
Thomas Aiello – Surrealism and the Slaughterhouse: Art and Animals in Eli Lotar’s La Villette Photographs and Georges Franjou’s Blood of the Beasts
George Bodi – Snakes and Ladders. Thoughts on a Venomous Dispute in Prehistoric Archaeology
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee break
17:15 – 19:00 Section 8
Chair: Liviu Măgurianu
Madalina Mincu, Dinu Gavojdian, Constantin Vlagioiu – Study on the Effects of Hair Whorl Patterns on Behavioural Reactivity in Dairy Cattle – Preliminary Results
Luminița-Iuliana Ailincăi, Gașpar Corneliu – Cognition of domestic animals – another approach to ethological study
Felicia Ceaușu – Are animals just intelligent or do they possess thought?
Concluding remarks
A volume of the conference will be published.

Organizing Board
- Irina Frasin, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- George Bodi, Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Codrin Dinu Vasiliu, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Social and Economic Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Alina Simona Rusu, “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca
- Luminița Bejenaru, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi and “Olga Necrasov” Center of Anthropological Research, Romanian Academy, Branch
- Sonia Bulei, Rural Development Research Platform, Iași
- Aurora Hrițuleac, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Cătălina Daniela Răducu, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Liviu Adrian Măgurianu, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Ioan Sebastian Brumă, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Lucian Tanase, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Senica Țurcanu, History Museum of the ”Moldova” National Museum Complex
- Corneliu Gașpar, „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences of Iași
- Luminița-Iuliana Ailincăi, „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences of Iași
- Lavinia Andreea Codrea, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Ionuț-Alexandru Bârliba, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Eugen Huzum, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
- Gh. Zane Institute of Social and Economic Research
Romanian Academy, Iași Branch - Faculty of Biology
Al. I. Cuza University of Iași - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Ion Ionescu de la Brad University
of Agricultural Studies and Veterinary Medicine, Iași - Moldavia’s History Museum
“Moldova” National Museum Complex - Rural Development Research Platform
Conference language
- English
Deadline for registration
- 15th of July 2021