Multispecies Communities and Narratives
The Issue of the Sixth Edition of the Symposium
Non-human Animals in Open Societies
The Issue of the Fifth Edition of the Symposium
- Introducere. – Irina Frasin
- (toward) a canine anthropology – Marco Adda
- Animal Cultures: a paradigm for determining what matters to animals – Isabella Clarke
- Despre femei și alte animale: o analiză logică a construcției sociale – Cătălina-Daniela Răducu
- Animal Protection at the International Level. Can We Envision a World Court for Animal Protection? – Lavinia Andreea Bejan
- Cat Sanctuary. Co-existence with community cats – Irina Frasin
- Yes, we love horses! Do they love us back? – Dan Manolăchescu, Mirela Tripon, Alina Rusu, Ionel Papuc
- Narațiuni și creaturi inedite din mitologia vedică – Liviu-Adrian Măgurianu, Daniel Măgurianu
- Evolution and optimalism – Felicia Ceaușu
- Symbolic Ontologies in Crisis Biophotography – Codrin Dinu Vasiliu
- Psychology applied to Anthrozoology – Reflections on designing an interdisciplinary curriculum – Alina Simona Rusu
The Issue of the Fourth Edition of the Symposium
- Introducere – Irina Frasin
- Recognising Anthrozooalgia on the Way to the Symbiocene – Marco Adda
- One Health, COVID-19, and a Right to Health for Human and Nonhuman Animals – Laurie Sellars, Kimberly Bernotas, Jeff Sebo
- Becoming Primates: Ethnographic Notes on the Production of Human and Other-than-human Multispecies Collectives – Paride Bollettin
- Asking Consent from Pachyderm Persons: Facing Ethical Complexities in Multispecies Research – Michelle Szydlowski
- Human – Food Animal Emotional Bond: Case Studies from Southeastern Turkey – Abu B. Siddiq, Süleyman Şanlı
- Feral and out of Control: A Moral Panic over Free-roaming Cats? – Kristine Hill
- Of Cats and Women: A Cultural History of a Relationship – Irina Frasin
- Thoughts on a Venomous Dispute in Prehistoric Archaeology – George Bodi, Loredana Solcan
- The Future of Art after the Animal Turn – Jessica Ullrich
- Biophotography. An Anthrozoological Concept between Image, Representation, and Photography – Codrin Dinu Vasiliu
- Obiectualizare și exploatare: despre femei și alte bucăți de carne – Cătălina-Daniela Răducu
- Partea întunecată a relației copil-animal. Abuzarea copiilor și abuzarea animalelor: un ciclu al violenței? – Aurora Hrițuleac
- Animale și oameni găsiți împreună la scena crimei: reflecții interdisciplinare asupra unor cazuri reale – Dorin Dumitran, Alina S. Rusu
- Lumea fără simțuri la oameni și animale – Liviu-Adrian Măgurianu, Daniel Măgurianu
- Are Animals only Intelligent or Do They Possess Thought? – Felicia Ceaușu
The Issue of the Third Edition of the Symposium
- Irina Frasin, Humanimal Bond: an Inquiry on What We Owe to Animals
Ionuț Alexandru Bârliba, Despre relația dintre oameni și animale. O scurtă investigație asupra sinelui elementar - Abu Bakar Siddiq, Familicide expedites your death too –The perils of anthropocentric approach towards nonhuman animals
- George Bodi, Arheologia , etica și animalele non-umane. Un punct de vedere
- Liviu Adrian Măgurianu și Daniel Măgurianu, Incognito în evoluția vieții
- Codrin Dinu Vasiliu, Efecte ideologice ale biofotografiei
- Cătălina Daniela Răducu, Despre femei și alte primate: natura și perspectiva feminină
- Marco Adda, From Dogs Domestication to Covid-19: Reconsidering Human-Dog Co-Existence in the Anthropocene
- Alina Simona Rusu, Noi și pisicile comunitare: Coexistență optimă prin soluții bazate pe educație (Service-Learning)
- Aurora Hrițuleac. Relația copil – animal de companie în era digitală. Rolul animalelor de companie în dezvoltarea psihologică a copilului
- Lavinia Codrea, Protecția animalelor de companie în legislația din România
- Luminița Ailincăi, Raluca-Oana Rusu și Corneliu Gașpar, Ethical and Legislative Considerations on the General Provisions for the Use of Experimental Animals
- Raluca-Oana Rusu, Luminița Ailincăi, Corneliu Gașpar,
Viorel-Cezar Floriștea și Gheorghiță Vlad, Bunăstarea animalelor, o prioritate importantă privind sănătatea animală și siguranța alimentului

The Issue of the Second Edition of the Symposium
The studies in the present issue bring forward our relationship with the other animals. People domesticated animals and have kept them close by for thousands of years. However, this relationship beyond its obvious importance, has started to gain more attention from the academic environment in recent years. All the article included invite us to rediscover our relationship with animals, with the non-human world overall, and to rethink our alienation nature. We are beginning to understand that the gap between humans and animals is artificial since humans are animals after all. We are looking at the world through our own glasses and therefore we cannot escape our human view over all aspects. This brings the challenge of a perspective amend: thinking beyond divisions, partitions, classifications, and artificial boundaries. This may be the only way we can hope to rediscover our place in this world and better understand the complexity of the relationships we have with other species.
- Introduction – Irina Frasin
- How We See the Animals. Post-alterity and Regimes of Representation – Codrin Dinu Vasiliu
- Understanding Animals and Rethinking Our Relationships with Nature and the Different Ones – Irina Frasin
- Vulnerability and Control: Women and Other Animals in the Domestic Sphere – Cătălina Daniela Răducu
- Anthropocentric Arrogance from a Neuroscientific Perspective – Aurora Hrițuleac
- Emotion in Animal Life – Liviu Măgurianu, Daniel Măgurianu
- Compassion Fatigue and Moral Distress in Human-Animal Interactions. Psychological and Educational Approaches – Alina Simona Rusu
- Re-framing Free — Ranging Dogs for a Multi-species Landscape. A Paradigm Shift on an Essential Piece of Human- Animal Coexistence – Marco Adda
- On the Social Intraspecific Behaviour of Dogs – Corneliu Gașpar, Luminița-Iuliana Ailincăi
- The European Protection of Companion Animals – Lavinia Andreea Codrea
- General Principle and Legislation on Animal Protection – Corneliu Gașpar, Rusu Oana Raluca, Luminița-Iuliana Ailincăi
- General Principles and Legislation on Animal Welfare – Corneliu Gașpar, Rusu Oana Raluca, Luminița-Iuliana Ailincăi
- Animal Welfare – Ritual Sacrifice – Oana-Raluca Rusu, Gheorghiță Vlad, Viorel-Cezar Floriștean, Corneliu Gașpar, Luminița-Iuliana Ailincăi
- The Attitude towards Cattle in Ancient Texts. An Automatic Sentiment Analysis – George Bodi, Loredana Solcan
- About the Wild Fauna in Iași City in Modern Times. A Novel Archaeological Discovery of Tortoises – Ludmila Bacumenco-Pîrnău, Luminița Bejenaru, George Bilavschi, Cătălin Hriban, Sever Boța

The Issue of the First Edition of the Symposium
Anthrozoology is an interdisciplinary field which studies the place occupied by animals in the human society and culture, and the relationships with humans as well. This discipline is not chiefly concerned with the study of animals, but makes use of research investigations run in the following fields: ethology, zoology, comparative psychology, primatology to study the complexity of the existing interactions between humans and animals. The idea of this issue was born due to the success of the first edition of the Anthrozoology Symposium which took place in Iaşi city, in November 2018. The symposium gathered specialists from various domains under the umbrella of human-animal relationships and/ or the ways of understanding the non-human world. A series of papers have been selected and included in the present issue. The general theme pursues the idea of re-configuring our relationship with animals based on a respect coming from by understanding. In this respect, the studies in philosophy, psychology, communication sciences, literature, history and archaeology provide an extensive insight and multiple angles, as well as complementary analysis on this intricate matter.
- Introduction – Irina Frasin
- Face to Face with Animals. Meeting and Understanding the Other – Irina Frasin
- Animal Studies and Frankfurt School: Dominion and Resistance – Mara Misiti
- Women and Other Animals: Understanding the Common Grounds for Oppression – Cătălina Daniela Răducu
- How It Dies – Codrin Dinu Vasiliu
- Disenfranchised Grief. The Meaning of Significant Companionship – Aurora Hrițuleac
- Consciousness and Morality in the World of Non-human Animals – Liviu Măgurianu, Daniel Măgurianu
- Investigating the Attitudes towards Companion Animals in Romania. Windows to Compassion-based Education – Alina Simona Rusu
- Considerations on the Significance of Bovidae Representations in the Cucuteni Culture. A Theoretic Exercise – George Bodi, Loredana Solcan, Luminița Bejenaru
- What is an Animal in the Middle Ages? – Bogdan Crețu
- Man and Bees: Obtaining and Consumption of Honey in the 18th Medieval Moldova in a Noble Household- Ludmila Bacumenco-Pîrnău, Luminița Bejenaru